IT Mures Meetup: Modern Web Debugging with Jecelyn | Dev Advocate | Google

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IT Mures together with REEA is hosting a developer meetup at Republic Hub. It’s a fantastic moment to have Jecelyn in Romania, so we invited her to Targu Mures to present about modern Web debugging.

Friday, 9th June 2023, at 18:00, in Sântana de Mureș.

Jecelyn Yeen is a DevRel engineer at Google working on Chrome DevTools and Browser Automation. Her work focuses on understanding and activating the ecosystem around developer tooling. When she’s not coding (and avocado-ing), she’s jumping into mysterious sea waters in search of narwhals and mermaids.
You might have seen her creating the Chrome DevTools series on the official Google Chrome Developers Youtube channel.

Talk: Modern Web Debugging

Few developers enjoy debugging, and debugging can be complex for modern web apps because of the multiple frameworks, languages, and libraries used. But, developer tools have come a long way in making the process easier. In this talk, Jecelyn will dig into the modern state of debugging, improvements in DevTools, and how you can use them to reliably debug your apps.

When: Friday, 9th June 2023, at 18:00


Tickets: 0 ron. 

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