om la lună concert │ New Single Tour 2024 – Sântana de Mureș, 24 May

Om la lună concert la Santana de Mureș

om la luna is releasing the first song from their upcoming album on Friday 24 May in Sântana de Mureș at the Republic Hub club


In October 2023 we spent two weeks together in Corbu and wrote disc four. Thirteen songs in which we put everything we’ve become in these five man years to the moon – the band. An album about the evolution of people finally living their lifelong dream. With joy and wonder, with the struggle of time and the fear of the end, with the rebellion of the adult and the worry of the parent, with the right and wrong choices, but with the courage of the one who understood his purpose and meaning. An album in which I put something old, something new, something borrowed and a lot of blue sea and sky. Now it’s time to start showing you what came out.”Doru Pușcașu, man on the moon

The first song on the next man to the moon album will mark the beginning of a new series of meetings with you. Seventeen concerts at the end of spring and beginning of summer. We start on 10 May in Constanța and finish on 28 June at Crama Marcea in Ștefănești, Argeș just near Pitești.

Come on!

Go to the Republic Hub page (click here) and see what concerts are waiting for you in the next period!