Terms and conditions regarding the use of the republicproduction.ro website

The document below represents the Terms and Conditions ( the ) contract that applies in the relationship between us, as owners of the website and you, as a user of our services. Please read this contract carefully.

I. General conditions of use

1. The service provider and the owner of the website
1. SC REEA SRL is the owner of the independent production and post-production houses with the trade name Republic Production and Bird Music Records, the operator of the republicproduction.ro website and the provider of the services presented within the website.
2. SC REEA SRL is a company organized and operating in accordance with the laws of Romania, headquartered in Mun. Târgu-Mureș, Republic Square no. 41, Jud. Mureș, Romania, postal code 540110, registered in the Trade Register under number J26 / 628/1998, having the fiscal identification code RO10966500.

2. Purpose of these Terms and Conditions. Obligations of website users

1. This Terms and Conditions document applies when you visit and use our website.
2. Terms and Conditions below, together with the Personal Data Processing Policy, ( hereinafter referred to as „ Conditions”) is the general contract applicable to the relationship between Rea and the persons visiting the website. If you wish to purchase products and / or services presented and available through the website, a separate contract will be concluded between you and us for the rental of products, the sale of products and / or the provision of services for a fee.
3. When you visit and use our website you are a beneficiary of our services and you must comply with these Conditions. You must read carefully and agree to these Conditions before using our services. If you do not agree with these Conditions, you cannot use our website.
4. These Conditions are supplemented with the information contained in the description of the products / services available through the website. If contradictions occur between these Conditions and these special descriptions, those descriptions shall have priority of application.
5. We reserve the right to limit access to the website to persons who infringe these Conditions.
6. The use of the website can only be done by adults or minors under the supervision of an adult with full legal capacity. By using the Platform, you confirm that you meet these conditions.
7. If you use the webiste on behalf of another person, you must be authorized to do so. Otherwise, you are liable for any damage caused to us or to third parties.8. By using the website you agree that electronic communication through the website and / or e-mail can be considered a written communication and, in order to keep it, you agree that we are authorized to store such communication in an unaltered form.
9. By using our website, the user:
a ) assumes responsibility for the activity carried out within the website
b ) admits that Reea is not required to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the user and that Reea will not be liable for false or misleading statements made by the user.
c ) admits that Reea is not responsible for the content created by the user, therefore Reea is not responsible for any consequences that may arise as a result of the illegality of that content
d ) undertakes that any content emanating from the User ( text, comments etc. ) is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, racist, incite violence, to violate confidentiality or intellectual property rights, being solely responsible for harming third parties or ours otherwise. We reserve the right ( but not the obligation ) to remove such content, but we will not regularly review the posted content. Reea SRL provides services for hosting the respective comments / opinions and has no responsibility for the published content, in accordance with the law.
10. By registering and using the account, the user:a ) assumes responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of data related to its account ( username and password ) and is fully responsible for the activity carried out through its account. The user undertakes to provide accurate and complete information when registering an account and using the services. The account is a personal one. It cannot be transmitted or used by other people. Rea is not responsible for any damage suffered as a result of providing incomplete or incorrect data. Any activity in your account will be automatically assigned to you. You must let us know immediately if you have reason to believe that someone else knows your login details or if you suspect that someone else is using your account. The network is not liable for any losses incurred as a result of the use of its account by third parties, whether or not such use is made with its consent;
b ) admits that Reea is not required to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the user and that Reea will not be liable for false or misleading statements made by the user.
c ) The network has the right to remove from the accounts if it does not comply with the obligations assumed by these Conditions. Deleting an account will mean deleting all information in the account, except that kept in the legitimate interest of the Network, without this being a case which entitles the user to pay damages, compensations, penalties or other amounts by the Reea.
d ) If the restriction is revoked by the Reea, we restore the user’s access to the Account, including access to personal or other data, resulting from the use of services before as a restriction.
11. By using the Platform, you expressly state that: you have read these Conditions, you agree in full and unconditionally with its clauses, you understand that compliance with the Conditions is mandatory.
12. Rea may request that you agree to these Conditions by a specific action, which has the meaning of an unequivocal consent ( e.g. ticking a specific box ). By using the Services and checking that box you agree to comply with all the terms of these Conditions and the agreement for the collection, storage and processing of personal data, as described in these Conditions and in the Personal Data Processing Policy.
13. For any questions regarding these Conditions or website, please write to us at the e-mail address [email protected].

3. Intellectual property rights

1. Any content on the ( website such as trademarks, logos, images, texts, graphics, audio and video files ) belong exclusively to the Network and our partners and are protected by intellectual property law. This content may not be copied, disassembled, modified, reproduced, published by any person without the prior written consent of Reea. Any unauthorized use of these materials constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights and entails civil and / or criminal liability.
2. Users have, during the contractual period, a right to use the elements of the website that are strictly necessary for the execution of these Conditions. The right to use the website may be assigned only with the agreement of Reea.
3. We reserve all rights not expressly granted by these Conditions.
4. Reea does not claim or hold intellectual property rights in respect of the content provided by the users of the website. Thus, all the content provided by the user is its property, being solely responsible for the content used. As a user, you have an obligation to ensure that the content you add does not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. You agree that we have the right, but not the obligation, to review, modify or delete the content uploaded by you if you breach this obligation.
5. If any information available on the website is subject to copyright law, please inform us at [email protected] in order to take the necessary legal measures.
6. By publishing content through the website, you offer us worldwide, free of charge, non-exclusive, unlimited in time and irrevocably the right to multiply and distribute the content created by you in order to display it on the website, to promote it or distribute it on the social networks at which we have created page ( Instagram, Facebook etc ). Given the nature of the Internet, we do not have full control and do not take responsibility for how third parties distribute the content you create.

4. Confidentiality and access to personal data

1. Any information provided, by written or oral means, in communications between the Network and users, during the Conditions is confidential information.
2. Reea has access to the personal data that website users provide for the use of our services. Detailed information on how personal data collected or otherwise processed through the website is provided under the Personal Data Processing Policy.

5. References to third party sources

1. The website may contain external links ( links, banners, commercials ) or references to other websites / platforms ( e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin ) which Reea does not own. Specific terms and conditions of use apply to the use of those websites / platforms, and Reea is not responsible and does not assume any obligation regarding their content. Please read the policies of those companies before accepting the processing of any personal data that belong to you.
2. No link to other sites / platforms may be qualified as their approval or support. You agree that, to the extent permitted by law, the Network or our partners, we will not be held responsible for the content or availability of such sites / platforms.

6. Reea- Manufacturers- Artists relationship.
1. Through the Republic Production website, Reea offers an online communication space between Manufacturers and Artists, on the „ Casting ” page of the website. Manufacturers can check the profile created by Artists registered in the database available on the website and Artists can apply to jobs published on the website.
2. The acceptance of a Producer’s offer by the Artist creates a direct contractual relationship between the Producer and the Artist. Reea is not a party to these legal relationships, so Reea is not responsible in any way if the Producer and / or Artist does not fulfill their contractual obligations. At the same time, Reea does not offer any guarantee and has no control over the quality of the provision of services by them or over the requested prices. Thus, Reea is not in any way responsible for the services provided by Manufacturers or Artists.
3. By creating the Artist’s account, the Artist remains an independent third party in relation to Reea, not being in any way an employee or affiliate of Reea.
4. Any complaint you have as a Producer and / or Artist must be resolved directly with the Artist and / or the Manufacturer you have come in contact with, Reea not having the quality of mediation of such complaints.
5. Although we try to offer you virtual space to look for reliable professionals, the responsibility to check if the Artist/The manufacturer with whom you have come into contact is authorized to carry out the activities it indicates and has the necessary qualifications and certifications to provide the services in full.
6. The network is not responsible for the non-compliant execution or losses suffered as a result of the services provided by the Artist / Producer.
7. Reea is not required to monitor information submitted by manufacturers and / or artists, unless otherwise provided by law.
8. Users agree that Reea does not control, directly or indirectly, the activity of Manufacturers or Artists.
9. Manufacturers may have access to certain personal data of Artists and undertake to comply with applicable law on the processing of personal data.
10. When registering your Artist account, you must provide us with certain information in order to register, which will not be public, but they will be able to be communicated by us to Republic Production collaborators looking for people for various roles. The Artist Account includes facilities that can only be accessed by the Artist, such as notifications of available jobs ( notifications received by each Artist who creates an account ) and a record of the Artist’s applications.

7. Who can create and manage an Artist’s account?

Given that by registering and administering the Artist account, The artist expresses ( i ) his intention to get in touch with audio and video producers who may be interested in the activity of the Artist and ( i ) the agreement on the reproduction and free use of photographic images, audio and video recordings of the Artist for the purpose of their communication to various producers, it is necessary for the completion of the registration form to be performed by:
a. Legal representative of the Minor Artist ( parent or guardian ).
b. Artist, in the case of people who are at least 18 years old.

8. Limitation of liability Network

1. Users agree that Reea does not control, directly or indirectly, the activity of Artists.
2. As an Artist, by registering on the website, you recognize and declare that you are a person independent of Reea, you are not an employee or agent of Reea and Reea do not control in any way the way in which you carry out your activity or the quality of the services offered by you.
3. Rea is not responsible for any of the following issues that may be related to the use of the services available through the website: ( i ) loss of profit; ( iii ) decrease in sales or loss volume; ( iii ) loss of contracts; ( iv ) damages or losses arising from any transaction between Manufacturers and Artists.
4. The network provides access to the website on a „ basis as ” and „ subject to availability ”, with no warranty of any kind, express or implied. Our services may be subject to limitations, delays and / or other issues inherent in the use of the Internet and electronic communications. You agree to use the website at your own risk. We will not be responsible for interruptions, connection errors, unavailability or malfunctions of the website, to the extent permitted by law.
5. To the extent permitted by law, we do not guarantee that the website, the servers on which the webiste is hosted or the e-mail services are free of viruses or other destructive programs.
6. The network is not responsible for errors or omissions that may occur in the drafting or presentation of materials available on the website that have been made available to us by various professionals.
7. The network may sell or subcontract the rights and obligations covered by these Conditions, in so far as we have a legitimate interest and this does not limit the rights that Reea customers enjoy under the law. Users may not assign, subcontract or transfer the rights and obligations covered by these Conditions, in whole or in part, as the use of the website is personal, except for the prior express consent of Reea.
8. Reea has the right to modify or remove various functions of the website, in part or in full, at any time, and without the need to give you prior notice. You agree that such changes may lead to interruptions and Reea cannot be responsible for them.
9. By using our services, you agree to compensate us and exonerate us from liability, to the extent permitted by law, concerning ( i ) any breach of these Conditions that you commit and ( iii ) any request made against us by a third party and arising from your non-compliant use of the website-community.

9. Modification of the Conditions. Cessation of the contractual relationship

Rea reserves the right to modify all or part of these Conditions without prior notice to users. When you return to the website, please check the date of the last update of these Conditions.

10. Force majeure and fortuitous event

1. The party proving that the non-performance of its contractual obligations, late execution or improper execution are caused by any events that do not depend on his will is exonerated from liability under the conditions established by Romanian law. The exemption includes, but is not limited to: technical operating errors of the website, viruses, internet connection errors.
2. If within 15 ( fifteen ) days from the date of its occurrence, the event does not cease, either Party has the right to notify the other Party of the termination of these Conditions in full, without the parties being able to claim damages.

11. Interpretation, nullity, litigation

1. The titles of the sections of these Conditions are inserted only for reference purposes and will not affect their interpretation.
2. Failure by the Network or the unsuccessful exercise of the rights conferred on it by these Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of its rights. No separate or partial performance of any obligation shall preclude the full performance of such an obligation.
3. If one of the clauses of these Conditions is declared null and void by a legislative amendment or by a judgment of the courts, it shall in no way affect the validity and compliance with the other terms of the Conditions. The Parties shall make every effort to amend that clause, keeping the purpose of these Conditions.
4. The law applicable to these Conditions is represented by the Romanian law. If the parties fail to resolve the disputes amicably, the competent courts are those in Târgu-Mureș.
5. By accepting these Conditions, you express your consent to comply with them.

II. Special provisions applicable in the relationship between Reea and persons buying tickets to events available on the website

1. Access to available services for a fee
1. Users can purchase tickets to various concerts / events through the website. The price of these tickets is visibly displayed on the website, for each event individually. Additional information will be found in the sections below.
2. If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints to formulate in connection with our services, please write to us at [email protected]. In order to be able to answer you, please provide us with your identification data and any other data necessary so that we can better understand the situation you present to us. We will give you our answer to your notification within a maximum of 30 calendar days from the date on which we receive complete information to identify the matter notified.
3. As a participant in the event, you are obliged to follow the regulations that the organizers establish for each event. Failure to understand or not accept the regulation by the buyer is not a reason to return the value of the ticket paid.

2. How can you buy tickets to the events presented on the website?

1. You can purchase tickets for events presented on the website: online or from the event venue, before or at the beginning of the event.
2. To buy tickets before or at the beginning of the event at the venue, you can pay ( i ) cash or ( i ) by POS card and after payment you will be handed the ticket in physical format.
3. To buy tickets to events online, the steps are as follows: adding to the basket the event you want to participate in, the desired quantity, completing the identification and contact data of the participants, as well as billing data. If you have a gift voucher, you can enter it to benefit from the discount. For a full order, you must accept the Terms and Conditions and check the appropriate box for this purpose, then press the order completion button. You will then be redirected to the payment operator, Banca Transilvania, where you will be able to make the payment. After confirming the payment, your order will be processed, and the tickets will be sent by the e-mail you entered.
4. If you pay for the ticket online with your bank card, you will need to fill in a form with your card details. If the card transaction has been successful, you will be confirmed and you will receive information about your order by e-mail.
5. Access to the event is made: ( i ) based on the ticket purchased from the event site or ( iii ) based on the electronic ticket, purchased online, received by e-mail, which you can present from a mobile or paper-printed device.
6. To be valid, tickets must contain the correct data of the person participating in the event.

3. Ticket price

1. The ticket selling price is the one displayed on the website and in force at the time of placing the order. Prices are expressed in RON and include VAT.
2. The displayed prices can be changed unilaterally by us. No price changes by us will affect a Command confirmed by Reea.
3. Once the payment is made, the sale is considered completed, the price can no longer be refunded, except under the conditions presented in these Conditions.
4. The user understands and accepts that for the payment of tickets he will be issued a tax document in electronic format, agreeing with its form, according to the provisions of the applicable tax legislation.
5. Reea is not and cannot be held liable for any other additional costs incurred by buyers, such as not limited to the currency conversion fees applied by the customer card issuing bank or for situations where the card issuance currency is not RON.

4. Cancel the online order

1. In the situations below Reea can cancel your order. In these cases, you will be contacted by one of our operators:
a ) non-acceptance of the transaction by the issuing bank of the buyer’s card;
b ) invalidation of the transaction by the payment processor;
c ) the information provided by the buyer for the order is incomplete and / or erroneous;
d ) the occurrence of technical failures that affected the characteristics of the products present on the website ( ex .: situations in which the price displayed on the website for a ticket is unrealistically low, compared to other tickets with similar characteristics, as well as situations in which certain erroneous ticket features ) have been displayed.
e ) lack of product ordered from our stock.
2. Reimbursement of payments for canceled orders is made using the same means of payment used by the buyer, unless the buyer has indicated another means of payment.

5. Return policy, right of withdrawal

According to GEO 34/2014 on consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, the consumer may withdraw from a distance contract within 14 days from the date of concluding the contract. However, in the event of the purchase of an online ticket for an event whose date is specified at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the legislation provides for an exception to the right of withdrawal that consumers generally have. Thus, the purchase of tickets to leisure activities is exempted from the application of the right of withdrawal, in accordance with art. 16 lit. l ) of GEO 34/2014. Therefore, once you have paid the ticket online, you no longer have the right to receive your money back.

6. Postponement or cancellation of the event. Return of the ticket value
We return the value of the ticket paid online in the following cases:
a ) In the event of an event ( i ) to which the date or time of travel has been postponed or ( i ) to which the place where it takes place has changed. In this case, you can opt for ( i ) to participate in the event in the new conditions or ( i ) you can request us by e-mail at [email protected] to return the value of the ticket to the account from which it was paid or to another account. We return the money within a maximum of 14 working days from the date of your request by e-mail.
b ) In case of an event that has been canceled. You can request us by e-mail to [email protected] to return the value of the ticket to the account from which it was paid or to another bank account. We return the money within a maximum of 14 working days from the date of your request by e-mail.

Version 1 – in force since May 15, 2023